通天晓 发表于 2000-2-11 12:00:00

2000-02-11 通天晓

(2000/2/11)Elita的诗写得很精彩,相信大家一定为之感动。去读一读吧!梦中的真爱 Love In Imagination。另外,公布一个变形金刚百科全书站点给各位,这个站点访问好像很困难,大家试一试。>>>>

通天晓 发表于 2018-11-5 14:32:17


通天晓 发表于 2018-11-5 14:33:18

LOVE IN IMAGINATIONComposed by Elita(2/6/2000)
My love Optimus PrimeYou promised to stay with meThrough our rest of lifeAfter a new peace has’en achievedBut why break it why the hope smashAll of a sorrow suddenLittle Elita was left lonely
We are AutobotsWith no bloodOwning no heartThat love seems strangeBut for justiceShe is a permanent companionJust like you and me
Haven't you paid a farewell to meBehind horizon lineSee the sunrise was shiningYou got the touchGot the calling to fightStop the evil fire spreading wildlySacrifice never gave you hesitationPay a farewell with the kissWhich I wantBut you forgot
Part forever my DearI’ll remain loyal and staunchTill the day I’m dyingEvery time in my dreamsI remember the moments in your armsThough my body wounded heavilySweet...You held me that tightStill I recall you often staredInto the vast high skyDeep blue as your own eyeTime and time againI hear a voice singingAmong the nebulas like a flying wing“Freedom is the rightfor every sensitive creatureUse the power of loveto light our darkest hourTill the day all are together “Time and time againI steep in my love of imaginationWhat...If I were a real human being


通天晓 发表于 2018-11-5 14:33:57

擎天柱 我的爱人你曾答应伴我度过此生只要新的和平能够降临但为何你令诺言粉碎我的期盼破灭从天而降的巨大悲恸之后小艾丽塔跌入孤寂的深渊
永别了我亲爱的我会更加忠诚与坚贞直至生命的最后一息在那些有梦的夜晚我仿佛回到为你所拥的时分你抱得是那样地紧尽管那一刻我已重伤垂危可感受到的只有爱情的甜蜜我仍记得你时常凝视那高远无垠的天穹天穹湛蓝如你双眸一般深邃一次又一次我听见有歌声在群星间回旋犹如一只飞翔的羽翼“自由——天地万物的生命唯爱的力量能照耀我们黑暗的世纪直到寰宇大同之日来临”一次又一次我沉浸在梦想的真爱里我想假如我是一个真正的人类…… [结束]
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查看完整版本: 2000-02-11 通天晓